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What is your favorite type of Music?

Thomas F Hall

This question arose, on September 21st, 2022, Syracuse Wedding Networking get-acquainted sessions.

My family enjoyed music through radio, television, and the 78-record professionals of Elvis, Tony Bennett, the great ballots Roger Whittaker, Liberace, Lawrence Welk, and Sing Along with Mitch Miller, to name a few.

My Favorite Type of Music was played in the background nightly at home while conversation and storytelling were happening around the table of our events from my parents including my school activities.

The Radio familiar hit songs of the day at breakfast time were preparing positive affirmations to us for our schedules. It’s welcomed home again greetings during our snack breaks and dinner time fellowship around the table that brought great comfort and peace of mind.

Music in my life has touched a Spiritual fourth-dimensional level over many unexplainable events and the sense of challenges in my life’s journey.

There is not one day that somewhere a thoughtful lyric, tune, cadence, or phrase of a writer and performing artist does not bring a smile, a closeness of home to this world of seeking and discovering!

Total summaries of styles include Pop, Country, Ballads, Trailers, and Great Broadway Musicals.

Spiritual and Wedding Music are always in the foreground of my library for entertainment.

But the truest sense of my artisanship happens through the thought-processing master songwriters and their accompanying musician background assistance.

Truly blessed beyond blessed as my life seeks new discoveries of sounds, songs, and staging performances to share these amazing treasure chest jewel tones among my listening souls upon this old earth.

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Acoustic Yamaha P-90

Harbinger MLS 1000 Wi-Fi Speaker

Shure Beta 58A Supercardioid

Dynamic Microphone

On-Stage 7701 Tripod

Boom Microphone Stand Black, 7701B 

 Newest 17 Pavilion HP 2024

USB Type-C Hub Pro

ProSonic Recording Cloud Files

Allows Similar DJ Style

Performance Setting

Live / Record Playlists

Weddings, Banquets, Best Favorites

Cocktail, Coffee House

Dining & Holiday

Special Events

The Acoustic Yamaha P-90 Performances, Harbinger MLS 1000 Wi-Fi Speaker in venue settings may include the Newest 17 Pavilion HP 2024 Laptop with USB Type-C Hub Pro or Blue-tooth ProSonic Recording Cloud Files, microphone with 20 Foot Chord and Stand is available for Venue Announcements. 

The Online Playlist Guides, Samplers with suggested Performances Booking Calendar offers clients venue settings with meet and greetings available through the Internet, phone, or video.

The client blended successful experiences with their flash drive and live keyboard performance playlist favorites to accentuate their venue event.

Paring the client's blended periods of music offers an alternative keyboard style ranging from cocktail to dining settings.

The Electronic Piano Yamaha P-90 includes several Piano, Organ, Strings, Guitar, Drum, Bass, Vibes, Chorus, and split with variation settings allowed with ProSonic or onboard recording blends outstanding results.

My performances have included Scranton Hilton Easter, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving Brunches, Ben Acres Weddings, This Old Church Holiday Easy Listening before Film Viewings, The Waterman’s Brunches, and two Benefits, The Clear Path Veterans Sweet Heart Diner Benefits, The Phelps Mansion Candlelight Tours on Grand Piano, Roberson Manion two performances for The Holiday of Lights Festival on Grand Piano, The Polish Community Center for 50th Anniversary and 100th Year Celebrations, The Traditions at the Glenn for Brunches, Valentine’s Dining Events, several religious and civic locations for holiday events, Moxie and Roma Restaurants.

My style of music reflects upon the classical romantic period with softer base playing accenting the melodies a client wants to hear.  My solo performances include period music from 1840 –2018. 

Special online download music comes through several publishers directly to the studio printer or PDF files to allow new selections from client requests.

The business motto is God Breathed, Music Inspired.

This is my legacy of music to those witnessing relaxation or celebration from their venue playlist with my unique God-given talent.

Contact me at or

Best Regards


4 Spurr Ave

Binghamton NY 13903

C: 607.743.9969



First Booking Includes Complimentary Hour

3-Hour Performances            $300 - $1,500 *

3-Hour Weddings                  $3,500 Rehearsal/Wedding/Reception Rate

Rehearsal & Wedding only $3,000

3-Hour Dining                         $ 75 -  $  300 *

Winter Mid-Atlantic Pricing Expires April 1, 2025

Lodging Cost & Tolls Negotiable Pricing Welcome

Online or Check Full Payments
Due 14 Business Days After Performance.
24 Hour Notice of Cancellation for a Full Refund

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