Adventure with playlist advancement matches my style in performances.
The soft expressions from the authors of over 150 years of music empower listeners to step back in the time travels of yesterday’s greatest writers and performers.
My classification of American Song Book towards the newer Century of Music of Best Favorites unfolded diversities great interactive listening,
The return patrons anticipate new numbers from my seasonal library by giving requests as they visit and leave a tip or note in the jar. The sharing reveals their amazing impact music has made into their stories attached to the playlist that empower us both in a music moment-reflection.
Personally, my very favorite numbers catch the word "Star!" I was taught my first piano song with that word included in the lyrics as one hand joined into the other to become a team.
Music in the holidays brightens many great senses of the family, friends, civic and faith communities’ activities that touch a warmth of peace.
Traveling Reflections brings a sense of safety resulting when you grasp the message of these numbers of melodies and sense the lyrics whispering, witnessing a soul rewinding time when their music moments brought eternal joy.
That is my goal to which my motto is stamped, "God Breathed, Music Inspired."
Join a performance of mine into the adventures of time and peace among the pieces of great artisan writers.
Until then, enjoy the playlists provided for easy listening.